June 8, 2022
Three and a half years ago, our son Ryan was born. We decided we wanted another one but weren't really actively trying. If it happened, it happened. And, well, it happened!

After the trauma of losing Olivia and trying for four years to have Ryan, and then spending the entire pregnancy anxious about the outcome, this was quite a bit easier. We still had anxiety about Owen being affected with the same rare condition (CAMT) that Olivia had, but it seems so far that he is perfectly fine. Somehow even healthier than Ryan was.
Friends who are new parents often ask me if it gets easier. I always tell them it doesn't get easier, there are just new challenges. Having a three-year-old and a newborn (and an 18-year-old stepson who graduated high school just days after Owen was born), I can confirm that the three-year-old is in fact harder. Ryan demands more attention and is at an age where he's trying to assert his independence. Meanwhile, Owen is usually sleeping when he's not eating or pooping, and he hasn't yet learned the word "no".
Ryan is excited to be a big brother, though maybe a bit disappointed that Owen didn't come out of the womb ready to chat and play. I explained to him that not too long ago he was just as small and had to learn how to talk and walk and do all of the things he can do now. And now he'll be able to help Owen learn all of those things.
It's a good reminder as an adult that nothing comes easy and that we have to keep learning and practicing to get better at everything.
The other thing I tell new parents is to enjoy every moment because they don't get any smaller. Ryan is already getting to the point where it's hard to carry him everywhere, as much as he'd like me to. I'm trying to constantly remind myself of this with both Ryan and Owen and enjoy this time while I can. It won't be long before they're graduating high school and want to have nothing to do with me. ๐