Posts tagged "Web Development"

A movie review for Red Rooms with a star rating component.

January 23, 2025

Styling a meter element with CSS and SVG

How to make a fancy rating component.

The Pit Viper logo in six different color schemes.

April 3, 2024

Theming Design Systems

A look at Pit Viper's theme system.

An illustration of the headless horseman, atop his horse, with no head, natch.

November 7, 2023

Using Wordpress as a headless CMS for Eleventy

How I avoided having to re-learn PHP and love Eleventy.

A hand going into the pain box from Dune, overlaid with CSS in the font Impact.

May 22, 2023

Why we're bad at CSS

And how we can improve with a practical example.

Drake meme with Drake saying no to 'Get design system work on the roadmap' and yes to 'Let the roadmap inform the design system work'

February 17, 2023

Design System Diary (Part 1)

Chronicling the start of a new design system.

Atoms and Molecules from Brad Frost's Atomic Design

November 26, 2022

Reframing Design Systems

Thoughts on removing product decisions from your system.

A sample design system website with a nested navigation.

August 19, 2022

Nested navigation in Eleventy

Building a no-JS navigation menu with the details element.

An older couple sitting among piles of stuff in a hoarder house

May 26, 2022


Escaping a hoarder house of technical debt.

Angry Germans from the Simpsons with caption, 'actually, it is all of our website'

November 24, 2021

It's Your Website

No one cares about your stack.

A search for 'butt' using Algolia

August 29, 2021

Adding Algolia search to an Eleventy site with Netlify

After months of struggles I finally found a relatively easy solution.

Extreme Makeover Homepage Edition

April 6, 2021

Extreme Makeover Homepage Edition

I am the Ty Pennington of Lighthouse scores.

Mike's attempt at a clickbaity YouTube thumbnail

March 25, 2021

Cool CSS

Turning my CSS methodology into the last framework I'll (hopefully) ever have to build.

A refreshed design of Groupon's deal page.

July 6, 2020

Simple Groupon

Demonstrating the power of design tokens for a hackathon.

Butterfly man meme. React devs looking at literally every layer of a Sketch file: Is this a DIV?

May 16, 2019

Don't Let Your Engineering Team Bleed Out

Thoughts on being a CSS medic.

A photo of Ronaldo and a bust of him that looks horribly disfigured

October 17, 2018

Should Painters Sculpt?

In which I ponder that age old question.

Several blind monks feeling up an elephant

September 7, 2018

Driving Your Design System with Tokens

Design tokens are the key to a maintainable, cross-platform design system.

Groupon's CSS framework for internal tools.

August 10, 2014

CSS at Groupon

A look at our CSS frameworks at Groupon.

Dr. Evil doing airquotes with the caption "full stack developer"

July 9, 2014

Building a Dream Team

My beef with the term "full-stack developer."